After many, many years of friends (yup mostly boys) trying to convince me and many minutes stood curiously outside a particular game shop and a few accidental internet browses, I was finally convinced to pick up a brush and paint!
Not portraits or walls but tiny little figures. My choice of army… Eldar of course.
These expensive little figures, and expensive paints, have had me curious for a long time. I even stepped into a shop only to hear silence engulf the place as they realised I was a girl! After the customary sales pitch I made my escape never to return and leaving the figures as a curiosity, a ‘wish I had got around to…’ or so I thought.
Then, one sunny Sunday afternoon, I found myself in the shop again just browsing, helping spend birthday money and would you believe it - they do a free painting session. I got a little… erm… thingy… oh wait … space marine and sat painting it, following a basic guide while surrounded by kids and adults alike all painting and playing Warhammer in its many forms.
Even better the guys in the shop really knew their stuff but didn’t rub it in your face. Not scary at all. My frequent “wow cool” didn’t sound out of place at all.
That was it, I was hooked. And they’re not that expensive either. Think about it, the models are miniscule and once you get the hang of it you only use a tiny amount of paint for some awesome effects. Even if, like me, you don’t play but just like painting them it’s an excellent hobby. Very therapeutic, cool and definitely an icebreaker if you have them displayed in the front room (:p). There are hundreds of models to choose from too like the Warhammer races, buildings, landscapes, animals, dragons, vehicles, etc to Lord of the Rings stuff… it’s truly amazing what you can find.
I’ve even found out that people I already knew paint! Its amazing. Everyone has tips but you pretty much find your own style. Now I have to decide what colour my troop of Eldar will be. They even have a ship thing too!
The only thing left is to decide what I try next…
Captain Sam Eld (really that’s my name! cool eh?)
[note from Cloudane… it’s a mobile weapons platform and not a ship]