
The Fanzine of Starbase Leicester

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“STRUM!” shouts everyone in the room.

It’s the most alien concept on the planet until you try it. Hand a guitar with buttons to a new player and they’ll wonder why the little coloured discs fly by and the crowd boo’s. They’re pressing the buttons right?! 

“Strum!” pleads an agonised music fan

“Here,” and someone places your hand on the little strum bar and the entire world makes sense! 

A few songs later and you’re rocking on three buttons! And then the game’s addictive… honestly. I rarely play a game as much as I have the guitar ones.

If you can be brave enough to pick up a guitar in the first place that is. 

Admit it. Most of us know that feeling. The feeling of predestined embarrassment that stops us trying stuff in front of crowds. It’s a geek thing I’m sure… especially when it comes to the singing but that’s another story.

And then there are some that say computer games are for boys. I say a big “bah! What planet are you from?” these games can be played by anyone. 

But it is easy to get hooked. Its one of only a handful of games I own. I’m no gamer geek, but even I like this game! It’s simple, fun and as therapeutic as secretly singing at home. (there’s that singing thing again… uuummm…)

Anyway. The songs… I like not so much. They seem to be getting more obscure as the versions are released. Then again that’s from the girl with Adam Ant still in her play list. The best songs are those you can sing to as well, but be careful, know the song too well and you’ll be yelling the chorus instead of strumming

Simply put, with its many levels and party value it’s a good game… you could even call it exercise for your fingers and hand eye co-ordination. Very useful if you plan to be an astronaut.

And now we have the drums… I’m going to need a coordination potion or a really good dice roll for that.

Till next time! 

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